03-28-2014, 03:11 AM
The lost+found folders are normal.
This will allow you to read/write into /myfiles and /myvms.
sudo chown -R wirezfree: /myfiles /myvms
Next you'll want to create directories for your Documents, Pictures, etc. in them. After that, if you have an identically named directory already in your home directory, you need to delete that before creating a symlink to the mounted partition.
If you want "Documents" to be in your /myfiles partition, you would delete the existing "Documents" folder under /home/wirezfree. Create a "Documents" folder in /myfiles. Then create a symlink that connects the two. When you're done, you will then see a "Documents" folder under your home, but the actual location of items you create and delete in it is /myfile/Documents.
Delete "Documents" folder under your home.
If the terminal is already in /home/wirezfree (which is its default location when you first open a terminal), you would enter:
rmdir Documents
If you had moved to look through a different directory and are still there, you would need to enter the full path to the location (the full path could also be used when you're located in /home/wirezfree):
rmdir /home/wirezfree/Documents
Create "Documents" folder under /myfiles.
mkdir /myfiles/Documents
Create a symlink connecting the two locations:
ln -s /myfiles/Documents /home/wirezfree
That's it. Just do similar procedure for other directories and you're all set.
P.s. For further information on some of these things:
Understanding and Using File Permissions
Mounting Partitions Automatically
Introduction to the Command Line
Good book covering basics of Linux is fifth one down the page here, called Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide
Linux Documentation Project Guides
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