03-28-2014, 12:41 AM
Note: My answers below are mostly going to be using terminal commands rather than GUI methods -- sorry in advance, but it is much easier than trying to explain where to point, click, look over there, then click this, etc.... Also, I'm not used to doing things like below with GUI, so I'd have to experiment myself first before I could explain operation to you.
If you mean that you see those files after clicking on "/" in Thunar, then they are mounted in that location (simply "/linwin", rather than my prior examples where it would have been a mount point of "/mnt/linwin"). They are fine like that but it is more a standard practice to mount things under either /mnt, /media, /home, or /home/yourusername. As long as the name you pick for the mount point does not conflict with an already existing system directory name, you can mount it straight under "/" (root) as you have. You can make your mount points anywhere you want in the file system, but the most common convention is what I stated above.
I think (but am not positive on this) that if you had mounted the partitions to "/media" (like /media/linwin), or /media/yourusername, then they would end up with visible drive icons on Desktop and in Places menu. Other mount points will not -- you have to navigate to those mount points in the file system with Thunar to see there contents. You can create bookmarks of them in Thunar to list them under Places on the left of Thunar for easy, quick access. To do that, click just "/" on left side of Thunar; look in right half that now lists the contents of "/"; click and drag the "/linwin" directory (for example) over to the left and put it under Places. Then every time you open Thunar it will show up under Places on the left.
I don't have any Windows partitions myself, so not an expert on their entries; but from this tutorial from Ubuntu, it looks like the better way to write the /etc/fstab line for the /linwin partition would be:
My guess is that the line shown in the LL help manual is just another way to accomplish the above.
NO. You would only do that if your actual mount point was "/home/wirezfree/myfiles", etc. The entries in /etc/fstab correspond to where you made the mount points for the partitions. (Mount point = where in the file system you decide to attach the files that are on a partition. You access them by navigating to that point in the file system directly, or by creating links to them in a more convenient location -- like your home directory.)
All of the mount points and /etc/fstab entries, with possible exception of /linwin entry, look good as they are right now.
When you correct the /linwin entry in /etc/fstab, that mount point will work. You will have access to it and be able to read/write to it because the permissions for that are built into the fstab entry line.
I don't know about the others though. That is what you need to confirm and/or set-up next. Since I've never set the mount points through the installer, I don't know how it sets things up. Open a terminal and enter the following command so we can see what the permissions and owners are set for on those mount points:
(Thats lowercase "LS", space, "-", lowercase "L", space, "/")
Copy/Paste the output from that command back here for us to see.
(03-27-2014, 08:45 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: In Thunar file manager, system files(/ root .?)
I see folders that correspond to the partitions/names I created:
does this mean they are mounted, just not in the right place.?
If you mean that you see those files after clicking on "/" in Thunar, then they are mounted in that location (simply "/linwin", rather than my prior examples where it would have been a mount point of "/mnt/linwin"). They are fine like that but it is more a standard practice to mount things under either /mnt, /media, /home, or /home/yourusername. As long as the name you pick for the mount point does not conflict with an already existing system directory name, you can mount it straight under "/" (root) as you have. You can make your mount points anywhere you want in the file system, but the most common convention is what I stated above.
(03-27-2014, 08:45 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: In my Linux naivety I thought they would show up as Drives.?
I think (but am not positive on this) that if you had mounted the partitions to "/media" (like /media/linwin), or /media/yourusername, then they would end up with visible drive icons on Desktop and in Places menu. Other mount points will not -- you have to navigate to those mount points in the file system with Thunar to see there contents. You can create bookmarks of them in Thunar to list them under Places on the left of Thunar for easy, quick access. To do that, click just "/" on left side of Thunar; look in right half that now lists the contents of "/"; click and drag the "/linwin" directory (for example) over to the left and put it under Places. Then every time you open Thunar it will show up under Places on the left.
(03-27-2014, 08:45 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: I think the /dev/sdb6 looks a bit odd..?? see my confession above, have I broken sdb6)
I don't have any Windows partitions myself, so not an expert on their entries; but from this tutorial from Ubuntu, it looks like the better way to write the /etc/fstab line for the /linwin partition would be:
UUID=747D4C9C1EFAD1F2 /linwin ntfs-3g defaults,windows_names,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
My guess is that the line shown in the LL help manual is just another way to accomplish the above.
(03-27-2014, 08:45 PM)Wirezfree link Wrote: Do I just add /home/user in front of my:
/home/user/myfiles ext4 defaults 0 2
/home/user/myvms ext4 defaults 0 2
changing "user" to my actual user name.?
NO. You would only do that if your actual mount point was "/home/wirezfree/myfiles", etc. The entries in /etc/fstab correspond to where you made the mount points for the partitions. (Mount point = where in the file system you decide to attach the files that are on a partition. You access them by navigating to that point in the file system directly, or by creating links to them in a more convenient location -- like your home directory.)
All of the mount points and /etc/fstab entries, with possible exception of /linwin entry, look good as they are right now.
When you correct the /linwin entry in /etc/fstab, that mount point will work. You will have access to it and be able to read/write to it because the permissions for that are built into the fstab entry line.
I don't know about the others though. That is what you need to confirm and/or set-up next. Since I've never set the mount points through the installer, I don't know how it sets things up. Open a terminal and enter the following command so we can see what the permissions and owners are set for on those mount points:
ls -l /
Copy/Paste the output from that command back here for us to see.
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