12-03-2014, 05:04 PM
Quote:On the report, I'm frustrated. If I understand you correctly, to generate a report like the one you posted above, I need to copy the script from your link on this forum (below your example) and paste it into the terminal screen.
Just type in
inxi -Fxz
Into terminal. Then post back here inbetween code tags the readout. Copy and paste between code tags. The # sign on advanced reply task bar is the code tag symbol.
This forum layout is kind of FUBAR for quote and code tags thoughl. I do not know how to explain it in depth . Plus I do not have a dog in this hunt. Anyhows. The txt report I hinted at is generated by a script wrote by misko and that text can be uploaded to the forum using "Attatchments and other options" which is under the advanced reply box. It looks like this
Just hit the generate report button and upload the report.txt file to the forum like so
[attachment deleted by admin, more than 25 days old]
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