11-25-2014, 08:04 PM
As soon as I started reading your reply the mystery began unraveling.
At least half the time I'm logged in with an account created *after* installation. These accounts are not in uppercase.
When logged in with an account created during installation the account is displayed in uppercase.
So I noticed the LL User Manager doesn't ask for account information, only login name.
Doing a manual edit on /etc/passwd will solve the problem
but there's probably an easier way (command or script) that doesn't involve manual editing?
As soon as I started reading your reply the mystery began unraveling.
At least half the time I'm logged in with an account created *after* installation. These accounts are not in uppercase.
When logged in with an account created during installation the account is displayed in uppercase.
So I noticed the LL User Manager doesn't ask for account information, only login name.
Doing a manual edit on /etc/passwd will solve the problem
scott:x:1001:1001:Scott Lastname,,,:/home/scott:/bin/bash