09-30-2024, 06:52 PM
The permissions problem is on 5.x and 6.x as well as 7.x
Ran the command from CLI to collect the error messages across three versions.
Followed the GUI process as described above and created a new folder on each set up.
In each case the new folder was owned by root and empty
Ignore the sed and awk messages. Both the 5.8 and 6.6 systems have the long standing Lite Updates 'silent update' problem so have extra messages.
The sed and awk errors occur during the 'silent update' bit, the cp error is thrown when saving the log.
LL 7.2RC
LL 5.8
LL 6.6
Ran the command from CLI to collect the error messages across three versions.
Followed the GUI process as described above and created a new folder on each set up.
In each case the new folder was owned by root and empty
Ignore the sed and awk messages. Both the 5.8 and 6.6 systems have the long standing Lite Updates 'silent update' problem so have extra messages.
The sed and awk errors occur during the 'silent update' bit, the cp error is thrown when saving the log.
LL 7.2RC
stephen > ~ > /usr/bin/lite-updates
cp: cannot create regular file '/home/stephen/UpdateLog/llupdates-Monday-30-September-2024-19:24:23.txt': Permission denied
stephen > ~ >
LL 5.8
stephen > ~ > /usr/bin/lite-updates
sed: couldn't open temporary file /etc/sedrjpVOM: Permission denied
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=10) fatal: division by zero attempted
File does not exist
cp: cannot create regular file '/home/stephen/Logs/llupdates-Monday-30-September-2024-19:36:46.txt': Permission denied
stephen > ~ >
LL 6.6
stephen > ~ > /usr/bin/lite-updates
sed: couldn't open temporary file /etc/sedxdZp63: Permission denied
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=10) fatal: division by zero attempted
File does not exist
cp: cannot create regular file '/home/stephen/Log/llupdates-Monday-30-September-2024-19:32:12.txt': Permission denied
stephen > ~ >