05-02-2024, 01:07 PM
Hi there
and many thanks again.
I think I sorted notifications, and SreenShot Uploads :fingerscrossed
I have been trying to ´boot´ from same CD I used for initial install ....
.... in order such to eventually sort my SSD defrag-mess.
Actually it is the same media which put me where I am (a loss of understanding)
since I am not getting anywhere. In the end it always boots from SSD.
Please: I went into BIOS boot sequence and put boot_from CD first, to no avail.
kindly excuse the retired Grandpa for his blindness / alzheimer
best regards
P.s: Sorry, only now I noted that there is a new message ....
Hi there
and many thanks again.
I think I sorted notifications, and SreenShot Uploads :fingerscrossed
I have been trying to ´boot´ from same CD I used for initial install ....
.... in order such to eventually sort my SSD defrag-mess.
Actually it is the same media which put me where I am (a loss of understanding)
since I am not getting anywhere. In the end it always boots from SSD.
Please: I went into BIOS boot sequence and put boot_from CD first, to no avail.
kindly excuse the retired Grandpa for his blindness / alzheimer
best regards
P.s: Sorry, only now I noted that there is a new message ....