10-10-2014, 02:54 PM
Hey Bro. Trying it out. I am missing a step for sure. I get check md5 on right click but nothing happens.
You know. Problem between keyboard and user. As usual.
While in "gksu thunar" /( root thunar file manager). I made the md5 sum text file executable via right click. I also logged in and out a few times.
But no joy bro. I can md5sum through terminal just fine as always. Just playing with your stuff to test out.
Maybe a permissions issue?
You know. Problem between keyboard and user. As usual.
harry@biker1:~$ cat /usr/scripts/md5
# Start MD5sum of a selected file
md5sum $md5_file | tee >(cut -d ' ' -f1 > /tmp/sum) |zenity --progress --title="MD5sum" --text="Calculating md5sum for:\n${md5_file##*/}" --pulsate --auto-close
# If Cancel is clicked then remove temporary file and exit
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "0" ]; then
rm /tmp/sum
exit 0
# Display calculated md5sum
sum=`cat /tmp/sum`
zenity --info --title="MD5sum" --text="MD5sum : $sum\nFile : ${md5_file##*/}"
rm /tmp/sum
While in "gksu thunar" /( root thunar file manager). I made the md5 sum text file executable via right click. I also logged in and out a few times.
But no joy bro. I can md5sum through terminal just fine as always. Just playing with your stuff to test out.
Maybe a permissions issue?
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Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.