10-06-2014, 12:23 AM
Here is how to download and run the tool to choose your default browser.
1. Download this script
2. Make it executable
3. Run it with
If you want to move it to a more secure location
1.Then you can run it with
2.If you want to add it to the Whisker Menu do theĀ folowing:
Right-click on the Whisker Menu and left-click on Edit Applications
Next, click on Settings in the left navigation pane and then on '+ new item' (on the right side)
In the Launcher properites dialog enter this:
Name: Set Default Browser
Command: gksudo /usr/scripts/sw_firefox-chrome
Comment: Set default web browser
If you want to set the icon, left-click on it and locate it. Computer> /usr/share/icons or if you have icons in your home folder /home/.icons
Valtam says "this would be best slotted into a future piece of software".
If you have questions/suggestions don't hesitate to ask.
1. Download this script
wget https://github.com/Misko-2083/laughing-avenger/raw/master/sw_firefox-chrome -P $HOME/Desktop
chmod +x $HOME/Desktop/sw_firefox-chrome
gksudo $HOME/Desktop/sw_firefox-chrome
If you want to move it to a more secure location
sudo mv $HOME/Desktop/sw_firefox-chrome /usr/scripts
gksudo /usr/scripts/sw_firefox-chrome
2.If you want to add it to the Whisker Menu do theĀ folowing:
Right-click on the Whisker Menu and left-click on Edit Applications
Next, click on Settings in the left navigation pane and then on '+ new item' (on the right side)
In the Launcher properites dialog enter this:
Name: Set Default Browser
Command: gksudo /usr/scripts/sw_firefox-chrome
Comment: Set default web browser
If you want to set the icon, left-click on it and locate it. Computer> /usr/share/icons or if you have icons in your home folder /home/.icons
Valtam says "this would be best slotted into a future piece of software".
If you have questions/suggestions don't hesitate to ask.