08-18-2022, 09:29 AM
To post code, the easiest way is to look just above the box in which you are typing your post. Above the yellow face icons, there should be some some grey icons.
If you hover the mouse over the grey icon with the '#' symbol, it should say 'Insert Code'. Click on the grey '#' icon to get the 'code on' and 'code off' tags inserted into your post. Place your cursor between the first ']' and the second '[' and then
in the final post. Check using preview that it looks right.
Regarding your output, I can't see any sign of a Wifi adaptor. Was it inserted when you ran the commands ?
To post code, the easiest way is to look just above the box in which you are typing your post. Above the yellow face icons, there should be some some grey icons.
If you hover the mouse over the grey icon with the '#' symbol, it should say 'Insert Code'. Click on the grey '#' icon to get the 'code on' and 'code off' tags inserted into your post. Place your cursor between the first ']' and the second '[' and then
whatever you type or paste will appear in a code box
Regarding your output, I can't see any sign of a Wifi adaptor. Was it inserted when you ran the commands ?