(06-01-2022, 02:34 AM)Ozpos link Wrote: Hi All, Congratulations and a big thank you to all those involved with the Final Release.
I have been using 6.0 RC1 for some time and I know there is not an upgrade path to Final.
Could someone please tell me what is the best way to migrate my apps and config to a new install on a second drive in the same machine ?
Many thanks in advance,
Not sure what you mean by migrating apps, but if you mean having then installed in your new install, then you could:
1. Write down their names, so you can install them in the new system.
2. Launch a terminal and run:
apt list --installed > my_apps.txt
egrep 'apt(-get)? +install' /var/log/apt/history.log
As per your configuration files, they're located in $HOME/.config and $HOME/.local, most fo them at least, since some apps like Firefox save to their own directory, $HOME/.mozilla. You can check which apps have their own .dir by launching thunar and pressing Ctrl + h and you could save those directories to an external USB drive, and then just copy over to the new install. I use a script for that:
DIRLIST=(~/.config ~/.local ~/.mozilla ~/.zoom ~/.claws-mail ~/.bash_history)
DIRLIST1=(~/Documentos ~/Descargas ~/Imágenes ~/Vídeos ~/Appimages ~/bin)
TARGET="/path/to/USD DRIVE/target_dir/dot_files"
TARGET1="/path/to/USD DRIVE/target_dir/"
cp -r -v -u "${DIRLIST[@]}" "$TARGET" && cp -r -v -u "${DIRLIST1[@]}" "$TARGET1"
DIRLIST and DIRLIST1 = Add/remove whatever it is you need/don't need.
TARGET = Replace /path/to/USD DRIVE/target_dir/dot_files with the actual path, i.e, /media/$USER/USB DRIVE/target_dir/dot_files where $USER is your username and you can actually use that variable in the script. Target_dir is the dir you save the configuration files to, for example, LL_BACKUP, and dot_files is another directory you're saving all the configurations stored in your $HOME/hidden_directories(which you can see in thunar by hitting Ctrl + h)
TARGET1 = Replace /path/to/USD DRIVE/target_dir/ as you did above, i.e, /media/$USER/USB DRIVE/LL_BACKUP/, here, if you so decide, you can save your personal files such as music, downloads, videos, pictures and anything else you want/need to, just add the path in the script. The line
cp -r -v -u "${DIRLIST[@]}" "$TARGET" && cp -r -v -u "${DIRLIST1[@]}" "$TARGET1"
chmod +x copy.sh
I use this as a way to back up my "dot_files", that is, those hidden files and directories in my /home dir I want to keep safe for reuse, and execute it at least twice a week. I have that in my ~/bin dir, so I simply run in a terminal copy and that's it.
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