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LL 2.0 install on AMD A6/A88 machine W/RAID 1 - LL Installer Crashes
Now going to try a Syba RAID card, had no luck with mdadm thus far beyond getting it all setup and LL installed on MD0 using a live USB boot only to have that all go away once I reboot using the machine disk(s), grub rescue (or was it recovery?) prompt was the result.  If the RAID card doesn't work, I will probably give up (enough is enough), as much as I like how far Linux (particularly LL) has come snce I last tried it, if Windows 7 will get the job done I like myself enough to know when to stop banging my head against the wall.  LL does not have enough of a following (based in my experience here) to get answers or suggestions for certain "roads less travelled" (RAID for instance).  The other observation I have it that one has to be very careful when trying things found on interwebz searches as they can be very out of date (and no longer apply) and/or are specific to the flavor of Linux used.  In other words the world (linux version) people speak from sometimes can be very different than when trying to do the same thing from a different world (Linux version).

Linux in my view still can be very "extensive CLI knowledge required" when any deviation from what "just works" is encountered.

Think I might be able to get the job done with Ubuntu, wondering if the LL desktop/GUI can be used with Ubuntu?

Finally, I am wondering if perhaps Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (proper) has mdadm BUILT IN to the kernel whereas LL does not have mdadm BUILT IN (think this might be why I have not been able to get the job done)?  Somewhere I read about this mdadm "built-in" notion and it has me thinking.  Ubuntu seems to have some RAID stuff built-in to their desktop/GUI leading me to believe the RAID stuff is intrinsic.  One can try so many different things (or at least I have in trying to make HW or SW RAID work) not knowing which might lead to success or another dead end.



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Re: LL 2.0 install on AMD A6/A88 machine W/RAID 1 - LL Installer Crashes - by rentwist - 10-01-2014, 02:43 PM

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