This is a topic I have thought about internally for a long time, and it's something I'm conscious of getting right from day one.
When choosing new software for Linux Lite, one of the first considerations is cross-compatibility, is this program also available on windows and or mac? This is what I ask for reasons of familiarity to the user coming over to linux, just as we have Firefox, VLC, Skype, Teamviewer etc. Other considerations include, easy of use, is it intuitive - could my grandmother use it with minimal learning curve, is it light on resources, does it have an attractive but no overly busy interface, is it regularly maintained and updated, and so on.
I have tried Guaydeque in the past and did like it and will have to take another look at it again soon. Despite the less than descriptive application name, which we can easily change on the menu to something like 'Music Player', this is certainly in the list of possibles.
If someone can come up with a cross-compatible music player that is light and easy to use, I would also like to hear about it.
Thank you eightbit
When choosing new software for Linux Lite, one of the first considerations is cross-compatibility, is this program also available on windows and or mac? This is what I ask for reasons of familiarity to the user coming over to linux, just as we have Firefox, VLC, Skype, Teamviewer etc. Other considerations include, easy of use, is it intuitive - could my grandmother use it with minimal learning curve, is it light on resources, does it have an attractive but no overly busy interface, is it regularly maintained and updated, and so on.
I have tried Guaydeque in the past and did like it and will have to take another look at it again soon. Despite the less than descriptive application name, which we can easily change on the menu to something like 'Music Player', this is certainly in the list of possibles.
If someone can come up with a cross-compatible music player that is light and easy to use, I would also like to hear about it.
Thank you eightbit