Linux Lite comes with the Gdebi installer onboard and google earth will install automatically with it from the GUI. Reply #2 was correct in that assumption and correct about where the icon will appear. Linux Lite is based on Ubuntu but it is not Ubuntu and so it is generally is less buggy. Ubuntu web pages do not necessarily address buggy behavior in Linux Lite and so do not always give sensible instructions for using Linux Lite. If you would have asked here FIRST you wouldn't be having the trouble you are having. Your problem now is that you have several failed attempts at incorrectly installing software thus disallowing further successful attempts without cleaning up the mess first.
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Though it is likely beyond your skill set, there is also software available in synaptic to build your own personal Debian package of google earth. If you think Windows is simpler, I wish you luck with that. Installing fatware (programs laden with trackers) in Windows is easy for a reason... $$$$$ to the devs via ads and other paid analytical incentives. Google earth is that kind of proprietary code as well, so with Linux security, performance will be slightly decreased.
RT*M =
Though it is likely beyond your skill set, there is also software available in synaptic to build your own personal Debian package of google earth. If you think Windows is simpler, I wish you luck with that. Installing fatware (programs laden with trackers) in Windows is easy for a reason... $$$$$ to the devs via ads and other paid analytical incentives. Google earth is that kind of proprietary code as well, so with Linux security, performance will be slightly decreased.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.