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Installing Linux Lite on VirtualBox Virtual Machine / MacOS ?
Thank you for your help.

1, 2, 3: Maybe there's something I'm not understanding correctly, but pardon me, nothing that comes out of Google is “my friend”. One of the reasons for using Linux is exactly attempting to avoid that entities like Google, or Apple, or Microsoft, or whoever stick their noses (and their servers) in my affairs. But even if this wasn't the case, Clipboard functionality between Host and Guest…? — I had always understood that G. Drive was meant for file transfers; in which case I have plenty of alternatives at my disposal, email being as said the fastest and easiest one.

4, 7: Thanks for the information. I had noticed the Application Autostart tab, but it looked threateningly like one of those “Don't touch it if you don't know what you're doing” things. So that was easy. Not sure I understand what “grub” means, but as I'd rather have no startup sound at all…

10. I had figured out in the meanwhile that in that same >Session and Startup panel, “Balou” had been selected by mistake in the Splash tab. Reverting it to “None” got things back to normal, which was the Desktop background selected at some point during system installation (which point, I don't remember). Thanks for bringing lightdm to my attention, I'll certainly give it a closer look.

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Re: Installing Linux Lite on VirtualBox Virtual Machine / MacOS ? - by Quouab - 12-07-2020, 02:32 PM

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