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Installing Linux Lite on VirtualBox Virtual Machine / MacOS ?
Thanks a lot for your help, Moltke.

First, I tried to reinstall LL following the instructions from your Fedora link, thinking that I might have missed something earlier, but the result was the same. The VM could also only launch with no more than one processor.

Next, installing the VB Extension Pack made no difference that I could notice, besides a quick one-time pop-up message that said something like “The VBox Kernel Service is not running. Exiting.”. Whatever that means.

Last, you're right, I agree about checking the VB forums anyway. Unfortunately, in order to ask that question, you have to register and tell Oracle [] everything about yourself, including homestead, phone facilities, number of children, colour of underwear etc.

I did quite a few searches throughout the forum, though, but only got this out of it []:
Quote:the basic problem is that you're trying to run a today's guest OS in an ancient host OS. Virtualization actually goes the other way; new host OS, ancient guest OS.
- a reply by an admin to another Snow Leopard user who was unable to install Linux Mint. Sounds pretty much like what you were telling me.

For reference, I also came across this thread regarding the issue with setting the number of CPU cores: []. But the poster's setup is different and anyway, how he ended up fixing the issue is beyond my understanding. Not even sure that it would help either.

I would really like to be able to use Linux Lite, but at the very least for that one application I'd need the Host to Guest clipboard to work, as is the case with my Lubuntu VM.

Btw., do you or anyone else know anything about running LL in VMware Fusion? If so, I'd need to know where a 10.6.8-compatible version can be downloaded — nothing of the sort on their site.

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Re: Installing Linux Lite on VirtualBox Virtual Machine / MacOS ? - by Quouab - 11-18-2020, 06:03 PM

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