My VMs running Linux Lite are all 20G disk space and 4G of RAM but I use Qemu not VMware or Virt Box. From a terminal run fsck. I believe it's CTRL+ALT+F2 on Linux Lite. That should tell you what's up. If fsck doesn't run you may be out of disk space or memory and facing uncompleted updates with no disk space or RAM space to run. You could try adding disk space since it's Vbox. Also 2gig RAM is cutting it really close with UBU 20 unless you configured swap space which remember uses disk space as well.
Also if your base system is only 3gig of RAM, and it's Windows you are out of RAM.
Also if your base system is only 3gig of RAM, and it's Windows you are out of RAM.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.