05-02-2020, 02:06 PM
Attached is the window that popped up, latest when installing the Geary e-mail client (from Synaptic Package Manager).
The text is in Norwegian, so I have done some free translation:
1st text-line: State password for new keyring.
2nd text-line: A program want to create a new keyring called "Standard keyring". You must choose the password you want to use for this one.
3rd text-line: Password
4th text-line: Confirm
5th text-line: Cancel / Continue
The text is in Norwegian, so I have done some free translation:
1st text-line: State password for new keyring.
2nd text-line: A program want to create a new keyring called "Standard keyring". You must choose the password you want to use for this one.
3rd text-line: Password
4th text-line: Confirm
5th text-line: Cancel / Continue