09-18-2014, 09:41 AM
Alex, glad to hear that.
rbdflyboy, this is how I solved it. If you have a better solution let me know.
rbdflyboy, this is how I solved it. If you have a better solution let me know.
#! /bin/bash
# Name: Linux Lite Cleaner
# Description: A GUI tool to easily clean your Linux Lite system.
# Authors: Misko_2083, Jerry Bezencon
# Date: September 16th, 2014
# Website: https://www.freecinema2022.gq
APTCACHESIZE=$(du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives/ | awk '{print $1}')
TRASHCACHESIZE=$(du -sh $HOME/.local/share/Trash/ | awk '{print $1}')
THUMBCACHESIZE=$(du -sh $HOME/.thumbnails/ | awk '{print $1}')
if [ -d "$HOME/.cache/mozilla/" ]; then
FFCACHESIZE=$(du -sh $HOME/.cache/mozilla/ | awk '{print $1}')
FFCACHESIZE=$(echo nothing)
if [ -d "$HOME/.cache/google-chrome/" ]; then
GCCACHESIZE=$(du -sh $HOME/.cache/google-chrome/ | awk '{print $1}' )
GCCACHESIZE=$(echo nothing)
if [ -d "$HOME/.cache/chromium/" ]; then
CHRCACHESIZE=$(du -sh $HOME/.cache/chromium/ | awk '{print $1}')
CHRCACHESIZE=$(echo nothing)
selection=$(zenity --window-icon="$ic" --list --checklist --width=780 --height=420 --column="Select" --column="Name" --column="Category" --column="Status" \
--column="Description" --text='Select the task you wish to perform, then click the Begin button. Sort Categories by clicking on the column.\n\nThere are 2 levels of <b>Status</b>:\n<span foreground="green">Safe</span> - Safe to perform, no harm can be done.\n<span foreground="red">Caution</span> - Proceed with caution, read the warning on the proceeding step.\n\nYou can select multiple tasks to perform (password required for some tasks).' --title="Lite Cleaner" --ok-label="Begin" --cancel-label="Quit" \
TRUE "Clean package cache" "Packages" "Safe" "You can currently remove $APTCACHESIZE worth of files from your apt cache" \
FALSE "Autoremove packages " "Packages" "Safe" "Remove packages installed for programs that are no longer present" \
FALSE "Clean Firefox" "Internet" "Safe" "You can currently remove $FFCACHESIZE from your Firefox cache" \
FALSE "Clean Chrome" "Internet" "Safe" "You can currently remove $GCCACHESIZE from your Chrome cache" \
FALSE "Clean Chromium" "Internet" "Safe" "You can currently remove $CHRCACHESIZE from your Chromium cache" \
FALSE "Clear thumbnail cache" "Images" "Safe" "You can currently remove $THUMBCACHESIZE from your thumbnail cache" \
FALSE "Empty your Trash Bin" "Home" "Safe" "You can currently remove $TRASHCACHESIZE from your Trash bin" \
FALSE "Locate large files" "System" "Caution" "Find files on your system larger than 50MB" )
# [Future feature, DO NOT enable] FALSE "Remove old kernels" "System" "Caution" "Remove kernels you no longer wish to boot from" )
# Exec scripts
echo $selection | grep "Clean package cache" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/clean/aptgetclean 2>/dev/null
echo $selection | grep "Autoremove packages" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/clean/autoremovepkg 2>/dev/null
echo $selection | grep "Clean Firefox" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/clean/firefox 2>/dev/null
echo $selection | grep "Clean Chrome" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/clean/chrome 2>/dev/null
echo $selection | grep "Clean Chromium" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/clean/chromium 2>/dev/null
echo $selection | grep "Clear thumbnail cache" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/clean/thumbnails 2>/dev/null
echo $selection | grep "Empty your Trash Bin" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/clean/emptytrash 2>/dev/null
echo $selection | grep "Locate large files" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/clean/files50 2>/dev/null
# [Future feature, DO NOT enable]
# echo $selection | grep "Remove old kernels" > /dev/null
# if [ $? = 0 ];then
# /usr/scripts/clean/remkernels 2>/dev/null
# fi