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New to Linux, looking for user docs
I'm not a very experienced with Linux Lite. But, I've played with Linux since when we ftp'ed 21 1.44meg floppy diskette images (1994?). I left Windows 7 in 2014 when I was hearing more about how Windows 10 would be.

Pretty much any Linux book will be good. But, within Linux some distros like Linux Lite & Peppermint are Ubuntu-based. So, a book that's more Ubunbtu-oriented might be better than a book about Arch-based distros (like Manjaro). Ubuntu is based upon Debian. There are distros like Sparky and MX Linux that are based upon Debian too.

So, it could be helpful to keep in mind those relationships. It can be confusing when you hear about distros, how they differ. Peppermint & Linux Lite are based upon Ubuntu's LTS releases (long-term support). Ubuntu has more frequent releases. And then Sparky & MX go straight to the same Debian source as Ubuntu. Arch is very different (in my mind). Manjaro based on that. (Then there's redhat with yum(?) package manager.).

Probably the most frustrating thing about Linux is that there are different ways to do things. I use inxi -Fxrs for system information. But, some distros don't have inxi. You have to use another command. For example, Lubuntu uses "lspci -nnk". (There's synclient, and xinput.). I don't like all that variety in commands that can be used, or replace each other. Like, even apt. There's "apt-get install." And "apt install." I wish things were simpler, more uniform.


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Re: New to Linux, looking for user docs - by az2020 - 02-22-2020, 11:34 PM

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