Quote:type 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct. After many tries, it said, 'Requested operation requires superuser privilege
Try again but this time use your sudo powers, which grant you superuser privileges (sudo=superuser do)
sudo dpkg --configure -a
Also, without quotation marks. Although, I do agree with tikiti and you'd probably be better off by making a new fresh install of LL. Back all your important data up; pictures, download, documents etc ... since you mentioned that some settings are messed up, it's probably better not to save any of those but install and start fresh, it's a pain I know but sometimes its better this way. One piece of advice, once you have re-installed LL, make a backup of your /home dir right away, should anything goes wrong you can go back to the beggining and start over, keep it somewhere else and safe so you can use it as many times as needed - hopefuly you wont but better safe than sorry, right? It'd also be a good idea to take notes of what you're doing; some screenshots, create a text file and type down any changes you make ... don't know, just make sure to keep track of what you do so you can revert it back,
Hope this helps!