01-06-2020, 06:43 AM
For the record, I had no issues installing on 4.6 64bit:
(c) FRISK Software International
You are about to install F-PROT Antivirus for Linux Workstations
on a Debian Linux 4.15.0 running on x86_64 into the '/opt/f-prot'
Would you like to have a wrapper script created for fpscan.
If you choose 'no' a symbolic link will be created instead, you should consider this if the wrapper script does not work for you, for example due to your system using a non sh or csh compatible shell.?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]:
Where do you want a wrapper script for 'F-PROT Antivirus command line scanner (fpscan)' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/local/bin]:
Where do you want a symbolic link to 'section 8 manuals' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/local/man/man8]:
/usr/local/man/man8 doesn't exist. Create it?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]:
Where do you want a symbolic link to 'section 1 manuals' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/local/man/man1]:
Where do you want a symbolic link to 'section 5 manuals' to be created?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [/usr/local/man/man5]:
/usr/local/man/man5 doesn't exist. Create it?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]:
Changing file access permissions on the installed files and directories ...ok
Checking if you have an existing license key...yes
Found an existing license key in /opt/f-prot/license.key, updating antivir.def ...
Downloading update (%100)
We've generated the following crontab entries to update the
antivir.def file via fpupdate. Updates will be run hourly at a
randomly picked minute to distribute load, and thus make your updates
faster than if they were run during obvious high load times, e.g. on
the hour.
The global crontab entry we made to add to /etc/crontab is the following:
3 * * * * root /opt/f-prot/fpupdate > /dev/null
Would you like to have this crontab appended to /etc/crontab?
(Just press Enter to accept the default) [Y/n]:
All done!
Have a nice day
Frisk software (www.f-prot.com)