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Interesting Documentaries - Post your favorites
The Matrix spoilers ahead.

There are certain documentaries, proving that the 'chosen one' in The Matrix - from the saga perspective - was actually reborn agent Smith, not Neo, despite appearances. Neo, nonetheless, was the carrier of a story, the Nietzschean 'man' - a bridge of a sort, meant to bring us the drama.

Anyway, what is the 'matrix'? Matrix is a noetic thing, meaning, it exists in your mind and somehow because of your mind. Meaning, it is not just an intellectual item, as it exists beyond any particular thinking of it. Matrix is also a cage of a kind. But is this cage purely idealistic, a 'Kingdom of Heaven' of sort, which the truth of we may or may not verify only once after death? Idealism, is interesting, but it does not apply.

The 'matrix', is a socio-psychological status quo, engineered by worldly elite, in order to bind the masses - primarily those of particularly repressed characteristics - within a belief regarding self inferiority.

The 'matrix' exists, because you believe in it.

But there is more than pathological logic - an oxymoron - to be fought against, as there is also the social momentum, working as a perpetuum mobile for upholding the status quo, the very status quo of systemic violence. Fatal addiction of a kind?

But the 'matrix', is also a shelter. The shelter, against what? Is there a reason in social fear of the unknown? What is to be discovered, if to crown oneself rightfully as a proper only ruler of the creation?

Is it actually worth to become the synergy itself?

I think that if it is expensive, it must not be worth it.

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Re: Interesting Documentaries - Post your favorites - by MS - 12-12-2019, 10:14 AM

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