11-28-2019, 10:38 PM
[member=149]newtusmaximus[/member] I don't know if you've already solved this but have you tried using adb? To install it, open a terminal and type once installed, connect your device via usb to your pc and in a terminal type and you'll see the device listed. Then type now you can use some unix commands. Type to list the contents on the device. Once you see the location of the files/data you want to save type followed by the full path of the dir containing the data within the phone and the location in your pc where you want it to save it i.e You can type to get a list of commands you can use with adb. I use it to install/reinstall android,
NOTE: It should be noted that for this to work, usb debugging must be enabled in the android device, otherwise you should start it in download or recovery mode, then connect it to the pc and follow the instructions.
Hope this helps!
sudo apt-get install adb
adb devices
adb shell
adb pull
adb pull /sdcard/my_data /home/newtusmaximus/
adb --help
NOTE: It should be noted that for this to work, usb debugging must be enabled in the android device, otherwise you should start it in download or recovery mode, then connect it to the pc and follow the instructions.
Hope this helps!
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