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Minor issues with an external hard drive
With regards to your NTLDR problem -- just so I am sure what you mean:

If you do a normal "shutdown" of LinuxLite -- no problem.  Correct?

If you do a "restart" of LL -- problem.  Correct?

On the restart, does the problem occur after LL is down and then started up again?  Or does LL hang and not shutdown for reboot at all?

If problem is that LL does go down, but reboot process shows error, experiment with following and report back result:
-- hit "reboot" like you normally do
-- immediately after LL goes down (and BEFORE) reboot starts, disconnect external drive.
-- I'm guessing that you now don't get the error message.  Is that correct?

-- If "yes" (you now don't get the error message), then my guess is that somehow Windows stuck something in the MBR of the external drive.  How/Why?  I don't know.  Maybe some Windows update done with the external drive attached caused that -- purely a wild guess on my part!

-- You can get rid of what's in the MBR with the following command, but you need to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL that it is entered correctly and is pointed at the external drive:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=446 count=1
Substitute the correct drive designation for your external drive where I have /dev/sdX above.  (NOTE:  you are using just sdX, not a particular partition like sdX1.)  For example, if you have one internal drive and one external drive, sda will likely be the internal drive and sdb might be the designation for the external drive.  The command zeros out the first 446 bytes of the drive, which is where the MBR is located.

To find the correct designation for the external drive, have the drive connected then run following command:


Confirm the result you find with above by running next command (look to see if it shows same sdX as other command did for the external drive):

sudo blkid

Using the dd command can be very dangerous -- if done improperly can easily wipe out your drive!  I have not needed to use the command myself in the above form (to wipe out an MBR); so you may want to wait until another knowledgeable Linux user checks and confirms that the command I've written is correct before proceeding.
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Re: Minor issues with an external hard drive - by gold_finger - 03-05-2014, 03:42 PM

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