03-05-2014, 03:25 PM
Sounds like what you have is enough of a Windows boot sector on that external HD for it to think that Windows MIGHT BE installed, but not enough for it to actually BE THERE. It also sounds like SOMETHING, sometime in the past, enabled a flag that's telling your PC this drive is bootable.
If you want to leave it hooked up on startup, you'll have to either use GPartEd to 'turn off' that boot flag, or turn it off as a boot selection in your BIOS. The former option is preferable because THAT will keep it from trying to boot into a Windows install that doesn't exist...
Sounds like what you have is enough of a Windows boot sector on that external HD for it to think that Windows MIGHT BE installed, but not enough for it to actually BE THERE. It also sounds like SOMETHING, sometime in the past, enabled a flag that's telling your PC this drive is bootable.
If you want to leave it hooked up on startup, you'll have to either use GPartEd to 'turn off' that boot flag, or turn it off as a boot selection in your BIOS. The former option is preferable because THAT will keep it from trying to boot into a Windows install that doesn't exist...
A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.