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11% of Windows XP Users Consider Switching to Linux, Study Reveals
Quote:As expected, a significant number of users said that they would be migrating to another Windows OS, but a very important part, 11% to be more exact, said that they intend to adopt a Linux operating system.

I'd say if there is anything close to an 11% defection rate that would be an absolute disaster for Microsoft.  That's an aweful lot of people -- would more than double the total number of Linux users instantly with a number like that.  (Correction -- see edit below.  Likely significant increase in Linux users, but not a double.)

While I couldn't be happier if such a thing happened, I'm a bit skeptical on the accuracy of that estimate.  Would definitely be a pleasant surprise though if it actually does occur!  Guess we'll all find out soon enough.

EDIT:  Actually, just thought about it a little more.  Forgot that the 11% is of "XP Users"; not the total number of all MS Users -- so maybe it's not as big a total as I thought initially, but surely still a minor disaster for MS non-the-less if that number of people abandon them.
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Re: 11% of Windows XP Users Consider Switching to Linux, Study Reveals - by gold_finger - 03-05-2014, 03:05 AM

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