01-30-2019, 07:12 PM
Quote:Yes 4.x series uses Time Shift... I'm sure its good too - I've made a back up just not as much yet as I did with Systemback...
OK. Great. I'll be sure and play with Time Shift just a bit when I spend some time on that desktop. Who knows? Maybe I'll like it better than Systemback. Thanks for that info!
Quote:I have used Clonezilla and it is a great tool, similar to Windows Norton Ghost or True Image for creating image backups of systems.
I have seen Clonezilla mentioned in the past and I seem to recall doing some reading about it at some time. I used Ghost a LOT back when I was still working. I "discovered it" the first time when I was the tech at a local community college. I was having problems with a large number of Korean exchange students changing a LOT of settings on lab computers. I first kept "locking down" more and more on the computers, but they still found ways of getting around what I had done. These kids were no dummies. They were all sharp as tacks, but treated the computers as their own and really wreaked havoc on them. They were the ones that first led me to discover you could get to the Internet via Microsoft Word. That one did take me a while to root out. Like I said, sharp kids.
So I finally ran across Ghost and did a ton of research. I applied for, and received, an exemption from Symantec for the cost of licensing for the college. After playing with it for a couple of weeks I finally figured out how to do remote cloning from my office to any PC on the network. I also finally figured out how to setup a batch file for Ghosting the computers in all the different labs and classrooms. The lab instructors/monitors and classroom instructors made sure all the PCs were turned off each night they left for home, then fired everything up a bit in advance of the lab or classroom opening each day. Every PC was "Ghosted" back to pristine condition at the start of every day. Doing that cut about 20 hours work off my schedule every week. I loved Ghost! Unfortunately, Ghost is no longer supported.
I will check into Clonezilla again if I find I don't like Time Shift. Thanks for that tidbit too!
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