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Yep. Just like Moltke stated, you need to get out of the habit of "Save" or "Save as" if you intend to post the image online or share it wit others. Those two options save the file in Gimp's default format. You'll kind of need to "retrain" your way of thinking when wanting to save an image after editing it in Gimp. Start thinking "Export as" every time you edit a photo to post or share. Gimp offers the options of pretty much every file type there is and includes all the usual formats like .png, .bmp, gif, .jpg, etc, etc.

May I ask some questions to maybe assist? First, is there a reason you open your screenshots in Gimp? Are you doing a fair amount of editing before you post or share the image?  If you're not doing a considerable amount of editing, you might want to consider using a different viewer or image editor. I personally have installed Mirage for use as my quick image viewer, Pinta for editing when I don't need the power of Gimp, and then XnView for other reasons. Pinta is available in "Lite Software" so it's very easy to install. All three of these are available via Synaptic if you are familiar with it's use, so are easily installed. If you are new to image editing software, you might want to consider alternates to the Gimp. I love Gimp, but there can be a pretty steep learning curve associated with it. It is a powerful tool so I would recommend it be something you try and learn, especially if you intend to do image editing on a regular basis. If you're just learning, Pinta offers a "similar" experience, but not nearly as powerful as Gimp. I would also probably recommend you leave Xnview for "down the road" since it can be kind of intimidating to new users.

There are some other really great software choices for image viewing and editing. Some of the other guys on here will probably be more than happy to share their favorites and why they like them. Don't hesitate to ask. Also, I have the 4 pieces of software I have mentioned installed on a Lite ver 3.8 install and also on a ver 4.2 install and have never experienced any trouble with any of them. Just looking at your hardware info it doesn't seem like you would have any trouble at all running any of the 4.

Hope this kind of helps. Don't hesitate to ask me or anybody else questions. Somebody will have an answer for you.

If I was able to help, click my "Thank" link.

Messages In This Thread
Screenshots - by mdiemer - 01-29-2019, 08:49 PM
Re: Screenshots - by Valtam - 01-29-2019, 10:12 PM
Re: Screenshots - by mdiemer - 01-30-2019, 03:48 AM
Re: Screenshots - by Valtam - 01-30-2019, 03:52 AM
Re: Screenshots - by Moltke - 01-30-2019, 10:43 AM
Re: Screenshots - by smhardesty - 01-30-2019, 05:06 PM
Re: Screenshots - by mdiemer - 06-13-2019, 05:00 PM
Re: Screenshots - by Valtam - 06-13-2019, 11:41 PM

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