1)Is the Windows repair disk you have stuck in drive not booting? If it boots you can get to a power shell to rename/restore the C\ drive partition you overwrote, (you have to find disks utility on the disk probably through a system call on the misnamed partition in your case) just remember Windows won't recognize the ext4 partitions so the C\ drive will be where it was originally, probably the beginning of the third partiton sometimes i/e boot/ backup/ C\drive/ Dell utilities.
2) Is the dvd drive broken? Check the BIOS first. If it's not listed restore the defaults... and/or remove the battery altogether and leave it out then plug in using only the AC adapter to power up. That can sometimes clear Windows control of the media channel (dvd) on some machines and the disk will eject itself on powerup.
3) What exactly is showing in the CLI when you attempt power up? (prompt) See here if you have: GRUB>
May not solve your issue if your grub is not installed on MBR. Really best to boot from a live disk first.
2) Is the dvd drive broken? Check the BIOS first. If it's not listed restore the defaults... and/or remove the battery altogether and leave it out then plug in using only the AC adapter to power up. That can sometimes clear Windows control of the media channel (dvd) on some machines and the disk will eject itself on powerup.
3) What exactly is showing in the CLI when you attempt power up? (prompt) See here if you have: GRUB>
May not solve your issue if your grub is not installed on MBR. Really best to boot from a live disk first.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.