Trying to guess what happened. And shame on me if I'm wrong!
The Segmentation fault came while python-crypto package tried to setup, everybody can see that in the first post.
After python-crypto failed, failed of course all the packages too which were dependent of the python-crypto package,
so we found the culprit already - no need to blame the rest of the packages since they failed because of python-crypto.
Why did I ask for the amount of memory?
Because lack of writable memory leads to Segmentation faults. The memory pointer points to a segment which the
kernel cannot map to user space. You can probably malloc(3) 20G of memory but if you don't actually have it and you try to
write into unmapped segment of it, the kernel cannot do anything else but kill the process.
In short: I think [member=7608]pkmaarsen[/member] 's computer does not meet the minimum requirements to install 32bit 3.8.
The Segmentation fault came while python-crypto package tried to setup, everybody can see that in the first post.
After python-crypto failed, failed of course all the packages too which were dependent of the python-crypto package,
so we found the culprit already - no need to blame the rest of the packages since they failed because of python-crypto.
Why did I ask for the amount of memory?
Because lack of writable memory leads to Segmentation faults. The memory pointer points to a segment which the
kernel cannot map to user space. You can probably malloc(3) 20G of memory but if you don't actually have it and you try to
write into unmapped segment of it, the kernel cannot do anything else but kill the process.
In short: I think [member=7608]pkmaarsen[/member] 's computer does not meet the minimum requirements to install 32bit 3.8.