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btrfs vs ext4
Hello People,
A little more info on this subject...

Using ext4 again now, 2 main reasons for the swap back from btrfs, the first is the date accessed shown in Thunar doesn't work on btrfs, only shows the modified date in the date accessed column which never changes unless a file is modified.
With ext4 the date accessed display works as expected.
2nd is I usually end up with a lot of crap to sort through several times a year, backups of backups made in a hurry etc. etc. which wastes a lot of storage space.
To keep this somewhat under control I use Fslint to find and remove duplicates, with btrfs Fslint finds the duplicates ok but it won't delete them.
On ext4 it finds and deletes the duplicates as it should.

Apart from those 2 things I don't think I've noticed any other differences for general usage between the 2 filesystems. 

EDIT: I'm not using LL 1.0 either despite what it says on my profile.
I'm actually using MX but trying to leave that line blank it auto puts LL 4.0 64-bit in when saved  8)

Messages In This Thread
btrfs vs ext4 - by JmaCWQ - 06-26-2017, 04:04 PM
Re: btrfs vs ext4 - by Wirezfree - 06-26-2017, 06:06 PM
Re: btrfs vs ext4 - by JmaCWQ - 06-29-2018, 05:17 AM
Re: btrfs vs ext4 - by trinidad - 06-29-2018, 06:04 PM
Re: btrfs vs ext4 - by JmaCWQ - 06-30-2018, 03:59 AM

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