You need to set EDITOR environment variable to some text editor.
I use nano here, you may use emacs, vi or anything really
For example:
shell > export EDITOR=nano
shell > crontab -e
## Insert or append a line like:
# min hour day_of_the_month month day_of_the_week command
# So 5 past midnight of every Tuesday do...
5 0 * * 2 tar -cf ~/back.tar ~/Documents && mv ~/back.tar /where-ever 2>&1 > /dev/null
# Save settings = CTRL+O
# exit = CTRL+X
You need to set EDITOR environment variable to some text editor.
I use nano here, you may use emacs, vi or anything really
For example:
shell > export EDITOR=nano
shell > crontab -e
## Insert or append a line like:
# min hour day_of_the_month month day_of_the_week command
# So 5 past midnight of every Tuesday do...
5 0 * * 2 tar -cf ~/back.tar ~/Documents && mv ~/back.tar /where-ever 2>&1 > /dev/null
# Save settings = CTRL+O
# exit = CTRL+X