05-15-2018, 03:53 AM
Interesting discussion here, hope it's OK if I jump in. I have been exploring Linux for several years now. I've tried around 20 distros. I'm even toying with True OS, a free BSD distro. After all the distro hopping, I have come to the conclusion that Linux Lite is what I really want. Linux purists might scoff, because it unabashedly tries to make itself attractive to Windows users. But I think this is a great approach. There are many Windows users who have become disillusioned with Microsoft because of the Windows 10 forced-upgrade debacle. I take care of my wife's computer, and will not let her use that spyware. she is currently still on Windows 7, and I plan to put Linux Lite on her computer as soon as 4.0 comes out. Only a year and a half till W7 EOL! She will need that time to transition to Linux. Myself, I tend toward the more windows-like distros; years of Windows conditioning die hard. I like a conventional start menu, on the bottom left. There are many distros where I can have that, but none of them have proven stable enough on my computer, which is 10 years old. LL is just so intuitive, and so rock-solid with updates and upgrades. In short, I think Jerry has found a great niche. Do one thing. Do it well.