Can someone else confirm an issue with Browse Network => Windows Network in LL 4.0... it is unable to retrieve the Workgroup list.
Things I've checked so far:
1- checked gvfs-* and they are all installed
2- Disabled the firewall
3-Checked smb.conf to make sure the configuration is correct. (netbios hostname, etc.)
Everything seems to check out just fine, except Thunar refusing to show Workgroups under Browse Network
smbclient -L ip-address or hostname lists available shares
smbtree does show the entire share tree as expected
browsing smb://hostname or smb://ip-addreess does work also.
For some reasons Thunar cannot display the workgroups folders under Browse Network => Windows Network.
I'm only experiencing this issue with LL 4.0. All machines and servers on the network can see each other and they can all see the LL 4.0 box.
Looks like it is the way it will be going forward:
Oh well.
For future references, in case someone else wants to get back the Workgroup listing under Browse Network => Windows Network:
1- Edit smb.conf
2- Set the client max protocol back to NT1 under [global] smb.conf settings:
client max protocol = NT1
3- Save changes and restart the computer. Note: Restart Linux Lite, restarting smbd and nmbd services is not enough.
Things I've checked so far:
1- checked gvfs-* and they are all installed
2- Disabled the firewall
3-Checked smb.conf to make sure the configuration is correct. (netbios hostname, etc.)
Everything seems to check out just fine, except Thunar refusing to show Workgroups under Browse Network
smbclient -L ip-address or hostname lists available shares
smbtree does show the entire share tree as expected
browsing smb://hostname or smb://ip-addreess does work also.
For some reasons Thunar cannot display the workgroups folders under Browse Network => Windows Network.
I'm only experiencing this issue with LL 4.0. All machines and servers on the network can see each other and they can all see the LL 4.0 box.
Looks like it is the way it will be going forward:
Quote:Ubuntu 18.04 contains version 4.7.4 of the samba client libraries which brings with it a lot of improvements but it changes one parameter that will cause this forum nothing but grief. It changes the upper default smb dialect that the samba client uses to SMBv3.11 from the earlier default of NT1.
Conceptually it should not make any difference to host browsing but what that does is disable host browsing ( netbios host discovery ).
Oh well.
For future references, in case someone else wants to get back the Workgroup listing under Browse Network => Windows Network:
1- Edit smb.conf
gksu leafpad /etc/samba/smb.conf
2- Set the client max protocol back to NT1 under [global] smb.conf settings:
client max protocol = NT1
3- Save changes and restart the computer. Note: Restart Linux Lite, restarting smbd and nmbd services is not enough.
Sorry for seeming stupid and preferring Linux - I just don't know any better.
Sorry for seeming stupid and preferring Linux - I just don't know any better.