"I've installed Samba on Linux Lite and I've got it up and running to the point where I can see the Linux computer from the Windows 10 computers. I actually have 3 Windows 10 computers and I can see the shared files and folders on the Linux machine from Windows 10 with no problem. I can also read and write files to the Linux machine from the Windows machines."
Yep nowadays Windows 10 out of the box tries to network to everything in the damn building automatically. Make sure your public firewall in Windows is set to share files, * this will only enable access to the public share folder, or better option make sure the user you are logging into on Windows is an administrator then you can use homegroup instead of workgroup and not have to allow file sharing over the public facing firewall, and can use home firewall instead and access all the files on the Windows computers from Linux.
" I need to have Python write files to the Windows computers. "
Files won't show up in Windows that Widows can't read, so fonts, character sets, and prog languages must match. To test this share a folder (not your network share folder) name it python, then place a python file inside it and an ordinary text file. If the folder appears in Windows with the text file but the python file is missing your Windows computer can't read it. Simply put, Linux hears Windows but Windows doesn't really hear Linux very well. You may have to add ext2fsd and some pl utilities to the Windows machines. Samba's nice for exchanging graphics and text files, but for what you want to do sftp would work better. Open ssh is available for Windows 10 and relatively easy to set up. Also, under sftp with a Windows administrative account login, your Windows AV won't get in the way. You keep sending Linux code files via samba that disappear and your AV (if it's Norton or KIS) will eventually blacklist them and the connection and you'll never be able to do it.
Yep nowadays Windows 10 out of the box tries to network to everything in the damn building automatically. Make sure your public firewall in Windows is set to share files, * this will only enable access to the public share folder, or better option make sure the user you are logging into on Windows is an administrator then you can use homegroup instead of workgroup and not have to allow file sharing over the public facing firewall, and can use home firewall instead and access all the files on the Windows computers from Linux.
" I need to have Python write files to the Windows computers. "
Files won't show up in Windows that Widows can't read, so fonts, character sets, and prog languages must match. To test this share a folder (not your network share folder) name it python, then place a python file inside it and an ordinary text file. If the folder appears in Windows with the text file but the python file is missing your Windows computer can't read it. Simply put, Linux hears Windows but Windows doesn't really hear Linux very well. You may have to add ext2fsd and some pl utilities to the Windows machines. Samba's nice for exchanging graphics and text files, but for what you want to do sftp would work better. Open ssh is available for Windows 10 and relatively easy to set up. Also, under sftp with a Windows administrative account login, your Windows AV won't get in the way. You keep sending Linux code files via samba that disappear and your AV (if it's Norton or KIS) will eventually blacklist them and the connection and you'll never be able to do it.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.