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Two linuxlites installs on one hard drive – is it possible?
hi [member=6772]Corbin[/member] welcome to linuxlite (i dont know why we all say this , we sound like robots) anyway,
Nowadays we just got ll v3.8 so everyone on this forum is downloading and setting his version of linuxlite and thats why you havent got any answer till now but even me is too noob to answer such question so i will give you what i know and if it failed you should wait for some days for people toanswer you(iam sorry but why do you need 2 Linuxlite,s we all inclding me used one when we were new),
so what i know is yes you can install two Oses on one device even closer you can install two #Linuxes# on one device so i assume you can install two linuxlites
so the steps are
1-insert the dvd and just install the first as usuall (no tricks here)
2- use gparted and get a 50 gb free space for the 2nd LL
3-insert the dvd and when you are asked choose the first option which will read install linux along windows or along linuxlite (i will try to attach screenshoots once i finigh installing linuxlite.iso
4-choose the 50 gb drive you had and now you should get an option to boot to either those in grub when opening

1- try to divide your space equally between them both , they will help when upgrading
2- try to sign with another name and another pasword .etc on the 2nd linux lite
1- i dont know what will the grub read when you have 2 of the same linuxlites (they will both be read linux/gnu)so you cant distigush - i succesfuly instaled windows 7 along ll so one reades windows 7and other option reads linux/gnu
2- i feel that this is troubles some for a newbie what about creating 2 accounts in the same linulite os instead
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Mohammed Khaled

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Re: Two linuxlites installs on one hard drive – is it possible? - by MohamedKhaled - 02-01-2018, 11:22 AM

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