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Hello from U.S.A.
[size=1em]Hello, I'm new to this forum, but have been using linux for about 2 years. The pentium 2.4, 2gb ram computer i was using had a graphics card that wouldn't work with linux. this set me on wondering what linux os could run on this size computer (there seem to be a lot of these around still), and still have long term support, the large deb repository, a full featured desktop like mint and noticeable security (having to get root permission to enter other partitions). Linux lite is the best ubuntu based os so far.
Linux mint was to much of a strain on the cpu and ram, peppermint is the fastest so far (lighter file manage & settings) with lite coming in for a very close second. The settings and desktop in lite seem to be a lot like mint. Xfce is the best middle of the road desktop for me.
I spent the first year learning how to maintain linux and the best packages for the job. The second year was spent learning the installed and available productivity software.


quote: "are we passing through the world or is the world passing through us?"

Messages In This Thread
Hello from U.S.A. - by Corbin - 01-31-2018, 10:08 AM
Re: Hello from U.S.A. - by RandomBoy - 01-31-2018, 10:19 AM
Re: Hello from U.S.A. - by bitsnpcs - 01-31-2018, 10:20 AM

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