01-27-2018, 02:26 PM
Quote:I'm not looking to become a expert. I only wish to know all the possibilities some day
That's exactly how a lot of us feel. When I buy an appliance, I don't want or need to become an expert in all of it's ins and outs. I wish to learn enough to operate and maintain it safely and efficiently, but that's all. I want to run applications, not the operating system!
That's one of the reasons why this forum is so cool. There are some wonderful geeky people here who are experts that have gone to a lot of trouble to make Linux usable by the rest of us!
A couple of things I find useful are:
- I check this forum before updating, to help avoid problems that others have run into that may be attributable to updates.
- I keep a journal of what I wanted to do, what I tried, how it worked, and if it failed, how I fixed it. Nothing fancy, just little notes that I add to my copy of the manual.