12-22-2017, 08:29 PM
Some Linux based OS' do only get 3 years of support. For example Xubuntu 18.04 will have a 32-bit & a 64-bit release. But what comes as no surprise, with only 3 years of support, we're back to 2021. Linux Mint is also another distro that only has 3 years of support. When they release 18.03 (which will have an XFCE desktop as an option) it will also be a 32-bit, 64-bit release. But with 3 years of support, and just like 'who's on first, what's on second', we're back to 2021. If you were to install Linux Lite series one on your computer (don't do that) and then run a support status you'd find that some parts of LL series one are still in support. Clear as mud, isn't it?