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Linux Lite Development - Our goals and how to get involved.
You start off by saying "We are a very young distro team in the linux world with a long way to go, you have to start somewhere."
Well maybe you should mention this fact in your sales pitch on your website. Do you think that it is fair to mislead people by I quotes like
"The goal of Linux Lite is to introduce Windows users to an intuitively simple, alternative operating system. Linux Lite is a showcase for just how easy it can be to use linux".
IT ISN'T... when you come from a background where if you want to install a driver you simply search
for it download it and it executes itself to a world of distros, repros and terminals.

I refer to the quotes on your website as a sales pitch because I didn't come here begging you for an OS. I was lead to your website by a video on YouTube. OK, you may or may not be responsible for that video, but you are resonsible for the information on your website that lead me to believe that I was about to engage in a "simpler way to use your computer" and as such I do expect a little help from you to get my lappy to a state where I can use it to gain access to the internet without strapping the Wifi to back of it just to get a signal.

I wasn't going to mention support as I myself am a mod on a Joomla based project's forum, so I know all about giving time for free, but it seems to be the way that the bigger following that a project gets the more 'self help' there is amongst users, leaving the developers more time to get on with what they do best....

My comments about leaning about the User were in fact meant to constructive and I stand by them.

Maybe this project is a little too small at this moment in time to accommodate and coax along a complete Linux newby like me. So, I'll leave you to it and Wish you Well.

Good Bye & Thank You!
I am a Linux Virgin. so, please be gentle with me - No smooth talk.....

HP Compaq Presario CQ57

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Re: Linux Lite Development, Our goals and how to get involved. - by Mr Plod - 02-28-2014, 11:23 PM

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