If you got the same result with both rootkit checkers it is usually not a false positive however...
Also have you received a notification from your ISP? Also this particularly involves ssh and other open port usages. To verify what's up on your system, read the documentation, and check for the presence of the malicious files manually. There are many discussions of this on the WWW. If you have the infection best to zero the drive and reinstall, though it can be repaired manually, that is considerably more time consuming and technical. Newer versions of this seem to be leaking out again. The shared memory SHM references in your rkhunter scan are indicative of the newer version of this infection, however the ones you show are for pulse audio so they are most likely a false postive. The operation Windigo entry is a long time bug in chkrootkit.
Also have you received a notification from your ISP? Also this particularly involves ssh and other open port usages. To verify what's up on your system, read the documentation, and check for the presence of the malicious files manually. There are many discussions of this on the WWW. If you have the infection best to zero the drive and reinstall, though it can be repaired manually, that is considerably more time consuming and technical. Newer versions of this seem to be leaking out again. The shared memory SHM references in your rkhunter scan are indicative of the newer version of this infection, however the ones you show are for pulse audio so they are most likely a false postive. The operation Windigo entry is a long time bug in chkrootkit.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.