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New to Linux, this is what is stopping me from using it
I wanted to switch to linux a couple of days ago ( from win 7 ) but I could not set some things up.

In win 7 I am using "set custom text size (DPI) of 150%

It works great. Everything is larger, desktop, browser and all text is bigger etc.

I can not find that option here. I also tried a version of Linux Mint cinnamon that has it but the max ( 200% ) is too big and "normal" is too small.

I tried changing the font size and it helps but it is not good enough.

Is there any way to change text DPI in Linux Lite ( or any other linux ) ?

p.s. i do not want to change my resolution.

2. In win 7 I am using autohotkey for some keyboard shortcuts.

I see linux has built in option  for some shortcuts but I can not set what i want.

I want to set:

-  key "end" as a mute key

-  key "pgdn" as "volume down"

-  "pgup" as "volume up"

Linux does not allow that " cant bind that because you can not use keyboard to type " ( some message like that )

Is there any way to achieve that? Some program similar to autohotkey or a way to change it in Linux it self?

That is it. If i could set those two things up I would switch to linux.


Some other things that are not so important:

a. I would like to install Pot player instead of VCL

b. I would like to use a custom mouse pointer. I wonder if I could use same custom mouse pointer I use in win 7.

c. In win 7 there is a "restore system image" option so I can just return the whole system to the version where everything worked fine.

I assume there is something like that in linux also.

p.s. Where could I find the image that shows when linux lite is loading? The Yellow background with the feather

[Image: booup-splash-3x-series.jpg]

But it looked better then that one and was not darker at the bottom.

If anything I would like to use that as a desktop background image.


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New to Linux, this is what is stopping me from using it - by LinuxTest - 11-09-2017, 12:07 PM

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