No way I could boot into Linux Lite 3.6 64bit through USB. I downloaded the ISO twice, one through torrent and other through mirror. I checked the hashs. I tried 3 different flashdrives, 3 different brands and manufacturers, I tried all way to "burn" the iso into the flashdrive: dd; ggrescue; etcher; usb-creator-gtk; unetbootin; etc. One day lost :'(
I didn't tried the 32bit version nor older releases.
I can only assume now there is some problem with the .ISO :-\
Also I tried UEFI on; Secure boot On | UEFI On; Secure boot Off | Legacy mode.
On UEFI the flashdrive ins't recognized as bootable. When I look into USB partition its like the EFI partition is missing.
On legacy I get the bootscreen but it thrives into error: casper cdrom something...
Holycrap. I spent all day trying to install Linux Lite 3.6 on my notebook and only now I realize UEFI isn't supported. Sorry to bother you guys.
I didn't tried the 32bit version nor older releases.
I can only assume now there is some problem with the .ISO :-\
Also I tried UEFI on; Secure boot On | UEFI On; Secure boot Off | Legacy mode.
On UEFI the flashdrive ins't recognized as bootable. When I look into USB partition its like the EFI partition is missing.
On legacy I get the bootscreen but it thrives into error: casper cdrom something...
Holycrap. I spent all day trying to install Linux Lite 3.6 on my notebook and only now I realize UEFI isn't supported. Sorry to bother you guys.