08-25-2017, 04:00 PM
Deb was never on the drive. Deb 9 was on a drive that I physically removed, and replaced with an old Windows 7 drive. The live LL ISO was downloaded and burned on Windows 10. The grub menu showed a Deb 8 splash after I edited /etc/default/grub and commented out the hidden entries and enabled the gfxmode to 640x480. Deb never touched this drive. I also followed the plymouth read me file and from root and was only offered 3 alternatives -liteboot auto, liteboot manual, and spinfinity. I also attempted to load the alternative black text splash with the animated three boxes and it would not load. Was not present after after update-alternatives and update-initramfs. The graphics from lightdm on to the system up and running, and viewing online video work perfectly. There are Ubuntu and Deb graphics scattered throughout the /plymouth/themes package in LL. The fact that the splash at gfxmode 640x480 is Deb 8 means that it is lingering somewhere in the code and the grub version itself is Deb 8. Deb 9 displays a Deb 9 splash in gfxmode at 640x480. Plymouth manager is deprecated, though it did partially work in some Deb 8 based distros, but because this is not my own system I will not attempt use it. In any case it is a clean updated install with no added software beyond the LL base on a drive that was never touched by Deb 8 or 9. I'll post the hardware info when I get downstairs to the shop, and I have another system I can try removing plymouth-themes on, but in truth I have gone through all the card alternatives with this particular radeon card in Deb 9 and it always behaves this way regardless of firmware or no. The solution that works is to change the plymouth theme to the old text style, which seems to be fairly complicated to accomplish in LL, but other than that it's working the best it ever has right now in LL. It has occurred to me that the code may need a longer timeout for graphics to set properly during boot on this card as they display lightdm perfectly, and when I can enable the the black three box text splash (like I did in Deb 9) I can see it change resolutions while it is displayed. As I said before the splash behaves the same in LL and Ubuntu on a live dvd. I can't attest to Deb because I've never had a live Deb dvd. I've had the same problem with live dvds on a few other older laptops however the liteboot splash worked fine on them after installation. Thanks for replying.
All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.