08-06-2017, 08:14 PM
Thanks for the replies. However, the issue is to have a random mac upon reboot everytime for Eth0 and wlan.running 16.04 LL 3.4. Everything was smooth on 12.04 & 14.04, but on 16.04 its broken.
.Scouring for solutions on the net states that Network Manager 1.2 prevents the "changed" mac from being applied. Evidently launchpad has ticket for this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sourc...ug/1573856as well. other suggestions recommend using wicd and making a "systemd. script. ===>
In my scenario I use this script "sudo service network-manager stop && sudo ifconfig wlan0 down && sudo macchanger -a wlan0 && sudo ifconfig wlan0 up && sudo service network-manager start"...the mac changes...and then a few seconds doing a ifconfig shows the orig mac address.. Applying the script for reboots also fails.
therefore, has any1 gotten it to work on 16.04? Is it better to remove NM 1.2 and install "wicd"?
.Scouring for solutions on the net states that Network Manager 1.2 prevents the "changed" mac from being applied. Evidently launchpad has ticket for this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sourc...ug/1573856as well. other suggestions recommend using wicd and making a "systemd. script. ===>
In my scenario I use this script "sudo service network-manager stop && sudo ifconfig wlan0 down && sudo macchanger -a wlan0 && sudo ifconfig wlan0 up && sudo service network-manager start"...the mac changes...and then a few seconds doing a ifconfig shows the orig mac address.. Applying the script for reboots also fails.
therefore, has any1 gotten it to work on 16.04? Is it better to remove NM 1.2 and install "wicd"?