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VirtualBox -- Create VM for Booting Live ISOs/CDs/DVDs
Just an update to let you know I haven't forgotten this.

Tried a fresh install of LL on spare laptop, then tried running old remastersys from deb files downloaded from here:  It would not run properly and gave me an error message stating that lightdm was not setup properly, or something to that effect.

However, that laptop has had many problems and seems to be on its last legs.  I kept running into problems with it freezing up completely after it was running for a while, with no option other than hard shutdown.  (Even "REISUB" shutdown method didn't work.)  I also tried another LL installation followed by installing Valtam's test kernel to see if that would help.  It didn't -- had same freezing problem.

Basically what I'm saying is I can't be sure that the remastersys failure was due to incompatibility of the program or due to physical component problems that computer has and are getting worse.  Here are things I know/suspect are wrong with it:
*  A physical solder point on either the CPU or GPU is bad -- causing inconsistent boot behavior.
*  There is a problem with power management as it seems to drain battery quickly.  Even when powered off after fully charging battery (a new one), the battery will be dead after few days to a week when go to turn laptop back on.
*  Stongly suspect that the GPU is on the verge of failure because laptop heats up quickly and the failing GPU most likely is what causes the freeze-ups.  (Could also be that CPU needs re-seating with new thermal paste, but pretty sure it's the GPU.)

Anyway,  I may get time within next week or so to test remastersys on a different computer.  Will post back when/if I do.
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Re: VirtualBox -- Create VM for Booting Live ISOs/CDs/DVDs - by gold_finger - 07-16-2014, 08:11 PM

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