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USB bootable BIOS UEFI Secure Boot
Yes the info is in this thread linked by torreydale, thank you I will bookmark this for future, and also to get to the desktop you need to edit grub and save the edit how LL-user showed me

The maximum resolution I can get on Linux is 1024. Using the Intel graphics stack q4 2016.
The latest issue Intel Graphics stack is February 26, 2017, this requires a minimum of Ubuntu 16.10 to install.
At April 13 2017 will arrive Ubuntu 17.04, this will have the updated Xorg 1.19.3, and the newest Mesa at version 17.03, this aimed specifically at Intel and AMD processor improvements.
When these feed through in future that will be useful and may improve these problem with Skylake and Kabylake in i3, i5 and i7 plus more using the Asus mainboards.

I can save to you time, and DVDs, I have tried MANY distros past few weeks not 1 of them can load with Skylake above 1024 resolution, many wont load to desktop or simply fall at the boot.
I even did try Ubuntu 17 beta 2, and same, as it doesn't have the updated Intel stack which is what is needed, and likely the Xorg and Mesa.
I tried these ones just in the last week -
Fedora workstation, Sparky Linux LXDE, Kali Linux, Parrot Full, deepin, Manjaro, Debian XFCE, Sabayon Gnome, Sabayon Fluxbox, Sabayon XFCE (Sabayon looks kinda nice on website, it fails at boot on this computer sadly).
SolydX, Knoppix, Porteus Cinnamon, Puppy Linux Slacko UEFI, PCLinux OS kde5, SubGraph OS alpha.

Update -

1/d/l and fully install the Intel graphics stack 2.02 for Ubuntu 16.04

If you are unable to get to the desktop to do this then you need to
a/ edit the grub using the nomodeset, to get to desktop
b/ install Intel stack
c/ reboot.

if you cannot reboot after installing Intel stack you need to -
a/ again edit the grub with nomodeset
b/ at the desktop save that edit using leafpad as per instructions by LL-user in link above.
c/ reboot

Messages In This Thread
USB bootable BIOS UEFI Secure Boot - by CaperAsh - 04-04-2017, 08:20 PM
Re: USB bootable BIOS UEFI Secure Boot - by bitsnpcs - 04-06-2017, 08:14 PM

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