(12-07-2014, 09:33 AM)misko_2083 link Wrote: Name: Checksum
Description: Calculates checksum.
Command: /usr/scripts/checksum %f
Pattern: *
Appearance: Check all the boxes except Directories
save the script as checksum
make executable
copy the file to /usr/scripts
I find the script rather useful. I've modified it to allow users to select a file just by launching the script. If the custom action in Thunar is configured, it will allow users to right-click and select files without prompting to browse for the file.
Extract and move the extracted files to their respective locations.
Here is what it looks like:
# Misko_2083, Ralphy
# user selected file
if [ -z "$@" ]; then szPath=$(zenity --file-selection --title="Checksum - Select file..." --file-filter='Image files (ISO,IMG) | *.iso *.ISO *.img *.IMG' --file-filter='All files | *');
if [ "$?" -eq "1" ]; then exit 0; else file="$szPath"; fi; fi
while (true); do
MD5=(`echo "" | awk '{print "md5sum","✍","MD5", $0}'`); SHA1=(`echo "" | awk '{print "sha1sum","✍","SHA-1", $0}'`)
SHA224=(`echo "" | awk '{print "sha224sum","✍","SHA-224", $0}'`); SHA256=(`echo "" | awk '{print "sha256sum","✍","SHA-256", $0}'`)
SHA384=(`echo "" | awk '{print "sha384sum","✍","SHA-384", $0}'`); SHA512=(`echo "" | awk '{print "sha512sum","✍","SHA-512", $0}'`)
# main dialog
selected=$(zenity --list --width=180 --height=248 --window-icon="$ic" --hide-header --title=" Checksum" --text="File: <b>${file##*/}</b>\n\nSelect the Hash algorithm\n" \
--hide-column="1" --separator="," --print-column="1,3" --column="Checksum" --column="" --column="Hash" "${MD5[@]}" "${SHA1[@]}" "${SHA224[@]}" "${SHA256[@]}" "${SHA384[@]}" "${SHA512[@]}")
# If Quit is clicked then exit
if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then exit 0; fi
# read selection and split it
checksum=$(awk -F, '{print $1}' <<<$selected)
dialog=$(awk -F, '{print $2}' <<<$selected)
if [ "$checksum" == "" ]; then zenity --warning --window-icon="warning" --text="\nNo Hash algorithm was selected. Please try again. " --timeout="3"; continue; else :; fi
# temp sum file
# common function - if cancel then remove $TMPF and exit
action_cancel() { if [ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -ne "0" ]; then rm $TMPF; exit 0; fi }
action_sum() { sum=`cat $TMPF`; zenity --info --title="$dialog" --text="\nFile:<b> ${file##*/} </b>\n\n$dialog: $sum"; rm -f $TMPF & exit 0; }
"$checksum" "$file" | tee >(cut -d ' ' -f1 > $TMPF) |zenity --window-icon="info" --width=240 --progress --title="$dialog" --text="File:<b> ${file##*/} </b>\n\n- Calculating $dialog. Please wait..." --pulsate --auto-close
Sorry for seeming stupid and preferring Linux - I just don't know any better.
Sorry for seeming stupid and preferring Linux - I just don't know any better.