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Interesting article on upgrading with Mint
Mint has it's own set of environmental problems with software permission levels which I still find annoying, but beyond that it is certain that there are going to continue to be problems in the future for many Ubuntu based distros, and the Mint message only reflects that. There is an awful lot of Deb testing and/or SID in Ubuntu, and one could wonder how long Ubuntu can expect to keep it's own development pace. LTS in Ubuntu does not mean the same thing as Debian stable. Ubuntu release schedules simply do not match Debian stable, and Ubuntu is simply unstable beyond its Debian stable base. I also believe that Ubuntu development will continue to shed support for older hardware. The philosophy here with LL is to provide a user friendly OS for Windows users. There it succeeds more than any other distro, but I see the update and upgrade path as wrought with future problems because of its dependency on Ubuntu development. This is not to say that these functions in LL are not exceptionally well executed, and much like Windows. It may be that Debian dies out in the next ten years, unless it can refresh its aging intellectual base of developers. Ubuntu seems to have found that fountain of youthful developers to drink from. How it all turns out remains to be seen, but it is a certainty that Microsoft will neither be caught nor killed, and to believe that could happen is to tilt at windmills.

For the home and small business user, dual booting with Windows, and/or conveniently networking Linux and Windows computers, tablets, and cell phones together via wifi and/or bluetooth is a necessary area of focus for Linux if it is to continue to be meaningful to American consumers. New proprietary gadgets will continue to relentlessly appear on the scene, and Linux users will continue to utilize RDP to Windows computers as the simplest way to deal with such things. Linux will never be able to support the amount of gadgets out there today. The MS based gadget birth rate is astronomical. Keep the good things in Linux, like stability, security, and long term support, and focus development on cross platform networking, wifi, and bluetooth. That will assure a Linux home and small business user future. No one is going to slay the dragon.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.

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Re: Interesting article on upgrading with Mint - by trinidad - 12-23-2016, 03:09 PM

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