11-21-2016, 02:16 AM
Use Minitube or VLC as mentioned. In VLC, Menu, Open Network Stream, copy and paste the Youtube link into the Network tab.
I wrote 'Youterm' a while ago that I used VLC to play YT videos in. Open a terminal, do:
copy the below code into it:
jerry@z800:~$ ./yt
YouTerm - Watch Youtube videos without a browser
This utility will also stream a number of other formats including:
.ogg .mp4 .mp3 .wmv .mov .mpeg .mpg .asf .rm
Choose Option 'Other Streams' after inputting the url to stream the above formats.
Input the url: https://www.youtubelinkhere
[1] 240p
[2] 360p
[3] 480p
[4] 720p
[5] 1080p
[6] 1440p
[7] 2160p (4k)
[8] Other Streams
[9] Exit
Enter your menu choice [1-9]: 4
I wrote 'Youterm' a while ago that I used VLC to play YT videos in. Open a terminal, do:
leafpad yt
copy the below code into it:
# YouTerm by Jerry Bezencon, pdq 2013.
# Requirements: VLC Media Player
# check vlc is available
type vlc >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || {
echo "Couldn't find VLC, which is required for this script." >&2
exit 17
bold=`tput bold`
normal=`tput sgr0`
echo "${bold}************************************************"
echo "YouTerm - Watch Youtube videos without a browser"
echo "************************************************${normal}"
echo ""
echo "This utility will also stream a number of other formats including:"
echo ".ogg .mp4 .mp3 .wmv .mov .mpeg .mpg .asf .rm"
echo ""
echo "Choose Option ${bold}'Other Streams'${normal} after inputting the url to stream the above formats."
echo ""
youterm_url() {
echo -n "Input the url: "
read url
if [ "$url" = "" ]; then
echo ""
youterm_res() {
echo "[1] 240p"
echo "[2] 360p"
echo "[3] 480p"
echo "[4] 720p"
echo "[5] 1080p"
echo "[6] 1440p"
echo "[7] 2160p (4k)"
echo "[8] Other Streams"
echo "[9] Exit"
echo -n "Enter your menu choice [1-9]: "
read res
if [ "$res" = "" ]; then
case $res in
1) vlc --preferred-resolution "240p" $url --play-and-exit ;;
2) vlc --preferred-resolution "360p" $url --play-and-exit ;;
3) vlc --preferred-resolution "480p" $url --play-and-exit ;;
4) vlc --preferred-resolution "720p" $url --play-and-exit ;;
5) vlc --preferred-resolution "1080p" $url --play-and-exit ;;
6) vlc --preferred-resolution "1440p" $url --play-and-exit ;;
7) vlc --preferred-resolution "2160p (4k)" $url --play-and-exit ;;
8) vlc -vvv $url --play-and-exit ;;
9) exit 9 ;;
*) youterm_res ;;
while true
exit 0
jerry@z800:~$ ./yt
YouTerm - Watch Youtube videos without a browser
This utility will also stream a number of other formats including:
.ogg .mp4 .mp3 .wmv .mov .mpeg .mpg .asf .rm
Choose Option 'Other Streams' after inputting the url to stream the above formats.
Input the url: https://www.youtubelinkhere
[1] 240p
[2] 360p
[3] 480p
[4] 720p
[5] 1080p
[6] 1440p
[7] 2160p (4k)
[8] Other Streams
[9] Exit
Enter your menu choice [1-9]: 4